Course Objectives:
Introduce students to the knowledge economy and systematic ideas and key terms that explain the nature of economic activity and the various fields on the micro level of analysis.
Course Content:
- The definition of the economy - an economy - supply and demand - consumer behavior - costs in the term small.
Skills expected from this course:
1 - The student knows the concept of the economy and its components.
2 - The student's ability to cope with demand and supply.
3 - Understanding Consumer Behavior.
4 - The ability to deal with costs in the term small.
Roger A. Arnold "Microeconomics" South-Western College Pub; 10 edition (October 15, 2010), ISBN-10: 0538452862
John Sloman, "Essential of Microeconomics" FT Press; 4th edition (January 2007), ISBN-10: 0273708813
Last Update
11/25/2011 11:19:09 AM