Information System Strategies and Policies

Course Objectives:

This course aims to define the concept of the strategic framework within which to evaluate and employ modern technology to serve the overall objectives of the institutions. The present course of the three pillars of strategic planning and the relationship and influence between them. It also explains the basics of course management strategies and recruitment of technical information and how to plan long term and short-term access to technology and management.

Course Content:

1. Triangle strategic planning (the organization's strategy - business strategy - a strategy of information)
2. Develop strategies for managing the technical resources within the organization
3. Strategic evaluation of technology and access to
4. Strategic use of information technology
5. Mutual influence between information technology and work procedures
6. Adoption of solutions and new ways of working

Skills expected from this course:

Upon finishing of this course the student should has:
1. Knowledge of the importance and elements of strategic planning in the management and use of information systems
2. Skills and knowledge necessary to develop strategies to use information technology that are compatible with the overall strategies of the Foundation
3. The ability to measure and determine the mutual influence between information technology and work procedures
4. The ability to put the necessary plans to develop and adopt new work procedures compatible with the technology and employment

Keri P. Carol S., "Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach," First Edition 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0471346446
W. Rapp, "Information Technology Strategies: How Leading Firms Use IT to Gain an Advantage," First Edition 2002, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0195148134




Last Update
11/25/2011 11:04:49 AM