Database Management Systems

Course Objectives:

This course aims to give students introduction to the basic concepts of data modeling and design principles of database systems. The focus of this course on the concepts and methods of building models and relational models between the entities are relational. The course focuses on understanding the sample databases and matching the data with these models and systems design. And the course covers basic rules for the Structured Query Language.

Course Content:

1. Introduction to relational models.
2. The concept of Relational Model.
3. Relational algebra and arithmetic.
4. Concepts and methods of analysis and design of databases.
5. Settlement and analysis of data structures for the correlation units.
6. Storage and physical model for data storage.
7. Indexing and performance.
8. Structured Query Language.

Skills expected from this course:

Upon finishing of this course the student should:

1. Full knowledge of the concepts of analysis and design of databases.
2. Comprehensive knowledge of Relational algebra and how to apply the concepts in the analysis and design databases.
3. Basic skills to extract relational relations and resolution.
4. Knowledge of the medium in ways that building and the use of Structured Query Language.

Elmasri and Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems", 5th Edition, 2006, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0321369572
Connolly and Begg, "Database System A Practice Approach to Design Implementation, and Management", 4th Edition, 2005, Addison Wesley, ISBN 021210255

Last Update
11/25/2011 10:21:31 AM