Management information systems

Course Objectives:

        This course aims to introduced the students with topics in management information systems that include define information systems, management information systems, their important role in organizations, the infrastructure and networks of information systems. Moreover, to teach the  students about the nature of functional information systems, decision support systems and transactional processing systems.  However, this course consider  compulsory  course for MIS students, depend on containing  important topics contribute to develop right view for the vital role of management information systems in organizational success.   

Skills expected from this course:


After complication of this course the students will able to;

1-      Know the importance of management information systems

2-      Know the new role of management information systems

3-      Know the different systems that used in the different levels in the organizations.

4-      Define the primary activities ( inputs, process, outputs) of information systems

5-      Know how information technology can ( Hardware, software, database, and networks) support information systems.

6-      Understand the development (analysis, design, and deploy) of information systems.



Laudon, Kenneth C., and Laudon, Jane P., (2011), "Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm", 12thed, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Person Education, Upper Saddle River.

 James O'BrienGeorge Marakas  "Management Information Systems" sold by| Publication Date: January 14, 2005 | Edition: 7


Last Update
11/25/2011 2:17:50 PM